Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE


Our Kids Ministry is a welcoming, safe place for all children to find belonging and learn about Jesus. We want every child in FG Kids (Birth-5th Grade) to feel loved and welcomed. We also pray they will come to understand what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus and the life he offers. That’s why the vision of our ministry is for kids to “belong, believe, and become.”

Our Vision

  • Belong: This is not just a church to attend, but a place where kids can belong. We strive to give them a place to feel welcome and safe and partner with their parents to create fun and safe environments where their kids can flourish.
  • Believe: There's absolutely nothing we can do to earn or deserve God’s forgiveness. We hope the kids in our ministry will come to trust in Jesus and believe what he did for them on the cross is all they need to start a brand new life with him.
  • Become: Not only do we want every child to believe in the saving grace of Jesus, but we also want them to become more like him. That’s why we provide engaging, age-specific Bible teaching and activities that help them love God with all their heart, soul, and mind and love their neighbors as they love themselves.


A ministry within the umbrella of our Kids ministry for children with special needs. Spots are currently available during our 9:00 am service. Register to reserve a safe place for your child in Thrive on Sunday mornings! For more information, please contact our Special Needs Coordinator

FG Kids Events


We believe parents are the greatest influence in their kids' lives, and parents are in the best position to help their kids know God. We also believe that as a church we can uniquely equip and partner with parents along the way. With this in mind, we offer opportunities for us to partner together in raising the next generation.
  • Good News—We want to know when God is blessing you with a little one. So, if you're pregnant, please share your good news with us!
  • First-Time ParentsRequest a nursery tour!
  • Parent Dedication Celebration— We want to help you think about what it will look like to launch kids who know and love God. So, journey through our Parent Dedication Celebration to focus on what matters from the start.
  • Stepping-In—A class discussing baptism and what it means to a Christ-follower. Offered on Sunday mornings several times throughout the year and provide a fun and interactive environment to learn what baptism is and what it looks like to share your faith story.


Preschool & Elementary resources, social media, and an informational Newsletter are available for both kids and parents.

Click on the links below to stay connected! 

Parent Resources

FG Kids Newsletter

Right Now Media