Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

What is Church?

This question is answered in dozens of ways by different people in different contexts.

Often, cynics see the church as too judgmental, too hypocritical, or as an intimidating place where we're not free to come as we are, but none of these notions accurately defines the church.

Simply put, the church is everyone who follows Jesus. It’s not a building; it’s people.

As such, the church is a community of grace that must strive to love and serve one another as Jesus loves us. Furthermore, everyone wants to belong. We all have a sense that we want to be known and we want to belong. These desires are fulfilled in the church.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to welcome one another and to belong to each other as we belong to Jesus. 

Jesus said, “I will build my church.” He is doing that with people from every state, country, race, class, and age. And we are humbled that he's doing that here at Fellowship Greenville.