Prayer Walking Have you ever been on a prayer walk in your neighborhood? As the Adams Mill campus becomes a reality, here are some prayer prompts for walking in your neighborhood. Read This
3 Ways to Live in a Chaotic World How are we supposed to live when the world seems like it’s out of control? Read This
Practicing Daily Habits Through Our Church App Daily habits of gratitude, prayer, and reading Scripture are essential to the Christian life. Here's how you can practice these habits through our church app! Read This
3 Reasons to Invest in Easter Weekend One of our core values is "loving others," and we do that in many ways—one of which is through serving with no expectation of return. How might God use you to put his love on display during Easter? Read This
What Does "First Fruits" Mean? We're calling the first month of January 2024, "First Fruits." What does that mean? Read This
How Jesus' Arrival Deals with Fear and Death The angels said, "Do not fear! I bring you good news of great joy for all people!" These words were meant for a few shepherds and for us as well! Read This
4 Truths About Biblical Stewardship How does Scripture help us define what a good steward is? Read This
Praying for the Persecuted What can we do right where we are to help the persecuted? There’s desperation on all fronts, and as God’s children, it’s essential that we pray together. Read This
3 Questions We Wrestle with When We Suffer In our moments of suffering and persecution, many of us wrestle with three prominent questions. Read This